Renal & Peripheral Angioplasty
It is the technique of mechanically widening narrowed or obstructed arteries. This is done by putting a guide wire with a collapsed balloon on it, into the narrowed location and then inflating the balloon. The balloon forces expansion of the plaque deposits and surrounding muscle wall, opening up the blood vessel and thereby improving bloodflow. A stent (a fine mesh stainless steel tube) may be inserted at the same time as ballooning, which helps to ensure the narrowing remains open.
The test is performed for a variety of reasons :
The Doctors in charge of your case, and the Radiologist doing the Angioplasty, will have discussed the situation, and feel that this is the most appropriate treatment. However, you will also have the opportunity for your opinion to be taken into account, and if, after discussion with your Doctors, you do not want the procedure carried out, then you can decide against it.