Mr. Jawarilal Datta 64yrs, an Old gentleman from Nasik District, owner of Kirana shop with a sedentary lifestyle, came to our Clinic with complaints of effort breathlessness and chest pain. He was not able to walk more than 15 to 20 feet’s on level ground. On examination’s he was 130kg’s weight his Blood Pressure was high and Heart Rate was fast and irregular. He did a routine checkup at Nasik was he done Angiography from Right thigh/groin. Considering his overweight and critical blockages in his Main Vessel he has advised Angioplasty with a very high risk.
Mr. Sushil Kumar Patil came to the emergency department with complaints of chest pain. He was diagnosed by Dr. Sudhir Shetkar to have Inferior Wall MI with heart block, within half an hour after informing high risk to the relatives he was taken for primary Angiography and Angioplasty by Dr. Sudhir Shetkar.
It indeed it gave me a great pleasure when I met you. It made me proud that you are a cardiologist at Apollo hospital, Nashik. It makes me very happy observing your ability, capacity, attitude, behavior and concern toward patients.Your ever smiling face soothes patient instantly and makes him secured 100%, happier 50% and becomes more confident once he communicates with you. Your nature is absolutely fantastic. It is not only appears that you are treating patients with your knowledge but with the wisdom acquired over the years. Your way of treatment is self explanatory that you are acquiring updated knowledge about your occupation and environment, science and new technology regularly.